40 participants spent an intellectually stimulating time on 18 October 2023:
• discussing decarbonisation solutions such as the use of sustainably sourced biocarbon as a reductant,
• listening to their peers present on their company’s green transition,
• debating the very important issue of protecting human rights across the chromium value chain,
• learning why a sustainable workforce and mental health are paramount to creating safe workplaces and efficient teams,
• discovering the potential of ferrochrome by-products to support the circular economy and the potential of AI tools to support decarbonisation pathways.
We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our local hosts, Swerim and Envigas, represented by Dr Elsayed Mousa and Tobias Brink respectively, for their enlightening presentations and for hosting our group on 19 October 2023 for a technical visit.
Our heartfelt thanks go to our Responsible Sponsor, ERG Kazchrome, whose generous contribution made it possible to host such an important technical event.
We are also extremely grateful to our two Sustainability Sponsors, Glencore and TELF AG, for making this event possible.