
Jonathan Qiu

Message from Vice President

The ICDA management is a volunteer group of highly motivated, committed Council Members at the heart of the organisation, working closely with the ICDA team on aspects covering finances, human resources, strategy and governance. Because success happens through efficient team work, leadership and communication, the Management committee is having regular meeting with the ICDA team and is always available for discussing the organisation matters. It has also the duty to report to the Council and present them ideas for discussion and creating the way forward.

Jonathan Qiu, Mintal (China)
Vice President, ICDA

Management members

Seyda Caglayan

Seyda Caglayan

Afarak Group


Zelda Du Preez

Rand York Minerals

South Africa

Sven Friedrich


South Africa

Sheraz Neffati

Sheraz Neffati

Executive Director

Jonathan Qiu

Jonathan Qiu



Michelle Taylor

Arxo Resources

South Africa